ROHR Zimbabwe Nottingham General Meeting 6th July, 2013 Report

On Saturday 6th July, 2013 Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe human rights activists from all over the UK converged at St Augustine Church, Woodborough Road, Nottingham NG3 4QF for a general meeting which started at 2:00 pm and ended at 6:00 pm.

The meeting was graced by the Chairperson of The Board of Trustees of ROHR Zimbabwe, Ms Grace Mupfurutsa and chaired by the Chairperson of the Nottingham branch of the UK Chapter of ROHR Zimbabwe, Mr Allan Nemhara. Mr Christopher Bvumai Chimbumu, Secretary of the UK Chapter said the opening prayer. Other members of the National Executive Committee of the UK Chapter who attended are Paradzai Mapfumo (National Coordinator), Panyika Karimanzira (Secretary for Information & Publicity), Delina Mutyambizi (Deputy Organizing Secretary), Rodah Kuhlengisa (Fundraiser), Wellington Rupere (Deputy Secretary) and Patrick Gore (Advocacy Secretary).

Other attendees included Pythias Makonese, Tsitsi Nemhara, Martha Mbengo, Mazorodze Chinguwa, David Ngwenya, Varaidzo Mapfumo, Dennis Sibanda, Plaxcedes Sibanda, Tendai Makuyana, Omega Mpofu, Artwell Pfende and Godfrey Chisango.

As has become the norm, the meeting was interactive with everyone participating in the proceedings. These included, among other things, deliberations on the new constitution of Zimbabwe and its implications on such matters as dual citizenship and the citizen’s rights and freedoms. Also hot was the debate on social media to the extent that it is impacting the political landscape in Zimbabwe and what role ROHR Zimbabwe could play in promoting the upholding of human rights through the use of social media.

The meeting was also updated on the progress of the “Feya Feya” campaign, a recent initiative by Civic Society Organizations (CSOs), ROHR Zimbabwe included, to campaign for free and fair elections in Zimbabwe and to encourage citizens to participate actively in the electoral processes through registering to vote.

There was also a lively question and answer session during which everyone present, contributed to the ensuing debate on a wide range of topics, including ROHR Zimbabwe’s ongoing involvement with and impact on the activities on the ground in Zimbabwe.
The meeting ended at a high note with delegates vowing to pursue avenues to promote the use of social media in promoting human rights in Zimbabwe and to support the Feya Feya campaign initiative.

To view pictures taken at the event, click here.

By: Panyika Karimanzira – Information & Publicity Secretary