By Ronald Mureverwi,

On Saturday 8th December, 2012, in Harare, three members of the Board of Trustees of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe, namely Grace Mupfurutsa (Chairperson), Stendrick Zvorwadza (Vice Chairperson) and Ronald Mureverwi (Secretary) joined Civil Society organizations and marched in solidarity with the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZHLR) to commemorate the World Human Rights Day and to protest against the harassment of human rights defenders.

Prominent human rights Lawyers, including Irene Petras, Beatrice Mutetwa, Jeremiah Bamu and Andrew Makoni were part of the procession that marched from the Harare gardens to the Supreme Court, High Court and Government offices of the Minister of Justice to hand a petition.

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition Chairperson, Mr Okay Machisa played the pertinent role of raising awareness of the rights of people as the placard wielding procession was marching through the centre of Harare, the capital City of Zimbabwe.

For a change, the procession was escorted by members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

Said the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of ROHR Zimbabwe, Grace Mupfurutsa, in recognition of this uncharacteristic gesture by the ZRP – “If the law enforcers could respect human rights defenders, their work and the sanctity of human rights in the manner they did today, by escorting us as we marched, and if they could maintain that as we head towards elections, then we know that Zimbabwe is indeed going through genuine transformation. We hope this change of attitude is genuine and pray that it will be sustained and that it is indicative of the will of the political leadership to accord citizens the liberties and rights that we have always fought for.”


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