26th October 2019

On Saturday 26th October 2019 the Scotland Branch of the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe held a campaign “Zimbabwe government (ZANU PF) & President Munangagwa Stop the perpetual abductions and torture of human rights Activist and citizens” at George Square, Glasgow, G2 1AL, Scotland. The Campaign started at 12:00hrs.
Register of attendance
Vongayi Mufara (Organising Secretary) Olivia Chamboko (Chairperson) Abigail Wadzanayi Chidavayenzi(Treasurer)Linda Chenyama (Committee Member) Edward Rhappozoh (Committee Member)
Apologies: – Alvina Chibhamu(Secretary)
- · At 1200hrs people arrived and we started setting up our tables for our displays and mounting our ROHR Banner.
- We started giving away fliers to people and introduce ourselves. We gave out leaflets and talking to people about our campaign, explaining why we were campaigning and raising awareness of the ongoing appalling human rights abuses in Zimbabwe
- Interested people would stop by and ask questions. Random people took pictures and videos as we were doing our campaign.
- 22 people signed our petition register in support of our campaign.
- We had a number of Freelance Journalists who approached us asking to take our pictures and video interviews such as The Guardian Newspaper Glasgow. We managed to distribute 100 leaflets to people.
During her closing remarks, Olivia Chamboko singled out the following members for a special vote of thanks; –
- Alvina Chibhamu for organising the printing of the leaflets.
- Vongayi Mufara for organising availability of drums and the table.
All agenda items and any other business having been exhausted, Olivia Chamboko declared the meeting closed at 16:00 hrs with the next meeting scheduled for 23 November 2019 To view pictures taken at the event, click here.
By: Information & Publicity Department