23rd February 2019,
On Saturday the 23rd of February 2019 the Midlands Branch of the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe held a meeting at Secular Hall, 75 Humberstone Gate, Leicester, LE1 1WB. The meeting was chaired by Tsungirirai Kahiya (Tsungi).
Register of attendance
Nicolate Gwati – Recorded the proceedings (took minutes of the meeting).
Caroline Mombeyarara, Lilian T Nleya, Kupakwashe Ziki, Weston Mupfururirwa, Tsungirirai Kahiya, Daisy Mandianike, Eveline Kuwaza, Sandra S Chidemo, Tafadzwa Chivaura, Vincent Mwase, Olive Ruvimbo Ruzvidzo, Grace Makoni and Gladys R Dube
Meeting started at 14:37
- Chairperson’s analysis on the branch
- Secretary’s report on the branch, member participation, positives and negatives
- Organising Secretary’s report on last year’s events, the pros and cons and the events that are in store for us this year as a branch
- Treasurer’s report
- Fundraiser’s report and plans for the new year
- Any other business
- Chairperson’s analysis by Tsungirirai Kahiya
- Tsungi started by talking about how we could map our calendar for the year and cited that at the last meeting we had looked at the things that we did well as a branch and the things that we didn’t do well.
- She stated that each month each position holder will present a report on the branch with regards to their position
- Secretary’s report by Nicolate Gwati
- Nicolate spoke about how people kept on calling her asking for the minutes of the meetings that had been held by the branch despite these having been sent to everyone via email. It appears as if people do not read the emails that are sent to them and instead want someone else to always provide them with the information that they need
- Tsungi commented that people shouldn’t be calling Nicolate for the minutes and the photos that are taken at these meetings as these are readily available on the ROHR Flickr and Facebook accounts and on the ROHR website
- People were encouraged to find information on what is happening in Zimbabwe from the Guardian, Telegraph and the Zimbabwe forum websites
- People were encouraged to know their organisation and the things that are happening in Zimbabwe
- Organising Secretary’s report by Lilian Nleya
- Activism – we need to be more active. What can we do as a branch in terms of our activism?
- Charity work – re-visit our charity work (soup kitchen)
- Demonstrations and petitions
- No rape campaign
- Forced disappearances
- Including sister organisations in our demonstrations
- Family fun day
- Working with migrant organisations
- Treasurer’s report by Grace Makoni
Grace gave a report on how much money we had received during the year, how it was used and how much money we had left in our account
- Fundraiser’s report by Marian Mangani
- Sandra came up with the idea of having a pot of money that will help people with transportation to demonstrations and meetings in other cities (we will talk about this idea in greater details at the next meetings)
- Any other business
- Caroline suggested Nottingham Forum and she will go and find out how we can partner with them
- Tafadzwa suggested Zinthiya Trust that helps women
- Vincent will go and speak to Zinthiya about their work
- Daisy Mandianike was given a task about women who were raped
- Tafadzwa to look at the abductions
- Eveline will be looking at children
- Lilian will help Daisy Mandianike
- Sandra will look at tortures (human rights violations)
- Weston donated £10 towards our fundraising initiative
- Itai Dzamara disappeared on the 9th of March so if the demonstration is held on the 8th of March 2019
All agenda items and any other business having been exhausted, Tsungirirai Kahiya declared the meeting closed at 17:00 hrs To view pictures taken at the event, click here.
By: Information & Publicity Department