20th July 2019

On Saturday the 20th of July 2019 the Midlands Branch of the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe held a meeting at Secular Hall, 75 Humberstone Gate, Secular Hall, Leicester, LE1 1WB. The meeting was chaired by Olive Ruvimbo Ruzvidzo.
Register of attendance
Nicolate Gwati, Lilian T Nleya, Marian Mangani, Olive Ruvimbo Ruzvidzo, Daisy Mandianike, Lenny Banda, Nomagugu Sibanda, PatsonTamburai, Grace Makoni and Grayson Petros
- Opening prayer
- Matters arising from previous meeting
- #NoToMiscarriageOfJusticeCampaign
- Culture Day
- Communication and timekeeping
- Any other business
- Closing prayer
Meeting started at 14:45
Ruvimbo opened the meeting and suggested that the videos for the #NoToMiscarriageOfJustice campaign should be a maximum of 45 seconds each.
People should record the videos, with their mouths taped, wearing handcuffs, etc
In preparation for the campaign people were given tasks to research on:
- Rapes – Lilian
- Arbitrary arrests – Norma
- Civilian shootings – Nicolate
- Harassment in the neighbourhood – Daisy Mandianike
- Abductions – Marian
- Corruption – Ruvimbo
- Child marriages
Culture Day
- Lilian gave the menu for the day.
- Lilian was to remind people who had pledged monies to deposit the money.
- Nicolate will prepare beef stew.
- People were urged to communicate on the Midlands WhatsApp group instead of just keeping quiet
- There has been a formal reshuffle of the UK Chapter. We will let people know of the positions once the formal communication has been put out
Any other business
- Marian suggested having earrings, pins and cuff links as a fundraising initiative.
- Lilian to get in touch with a named contact about the Zimbabwe scarfs
- Ruvimbo spoke about the sports day with a named contact as something that we need to revisit
All the agenda items were deliberated upon in detail and in a robust and enthusiastic way in a meeting where everyone present made contributions.
With all the agenda items having been disposed of, the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 17.00 hrs.
To view pictures taken at the event, click here.
By: Information & Publicity Department