21st March 2021

On Saturday the 20th March 2021 the Midlands branch of the UK Chapter of Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR) Zimbabwe held a meeting on zoom. The meeting was chaired by Nicolate Gwati.

Register of attendance

Nicolate Gwati, Panyika Karimanzira, Mavis Harrison, Vengai Mutsawu, Marian Mangani, Honest Nkosinathi Ndlovu, Vongai Mufara, Phylis Melody Magejo, Lilian Nleya, Shalom Gunda, Evelyn Chibanda and Lorraine Zakeyo


  1. Welfare of members
  2. Current affairs in Zimbabwe
  3. What other Branches are doing
  4. Patriotic Bill

Meeting started at 14:00

Welfare check-up on the members

The meeting resolved that all branch executive committees of the UK Chapter carry out a welfare check on members as a matter of urgency and identify those who are most vulnerable so that they can be given support and guidance.

Current affairs in Zimbabwe

An issue was raised about the increase in teenagers taking drugs in Zimbabwe

Child pregnancies have been increasing during COVID due to the fact that children are not going to school and have a lot of idle time

The villagers from Chilonga were evicted from their homes. It has been suggested that there could be diamonds on the land that they are on hence the eviction

A lot of students and activists are being arrested by the police for protesting which is in contrast to ZANU PF people who are still managing to hold meetings and rallies without being subjected to any arrests

It appears as if the law in Zimbabwe is now being used as a weapon against anyone who speaks out against any government misdeeds

What other Branches are doing

The meeting heard from other branch members present about what initiatives and activities their branches (Scotland Branch, North Branch and South Branch) were engaged in.

Patriotic Bill

This law will criminalise and impose penalties on private correspondence with foreign governments or any officer or agent

This Bill curtails freedom of expression, rights to privacy, political rights, freedom to demonstrate and petition, freedom of conscience, the ways we access information, the freedom of assembly and association, it also cripples the work of NGO’s that work with foreign governments

It was suggested that the activism that citizens are doing is having an impact hence the reason why the government wants to introduce this Bill in order to scare citizens into silence

What can we do as an organisation to address the issues to do with the Patriotic Bill?

We need to analyse the Bill

Attack the Bill point by point so that everyone can see what is wrong with the Bill

There is a talk about the Bill on ZimEye at 6pm that we should engage with.

Any Other Business

There was no other business.

All agenda items and any other business having been exhausted, Nicolate Gwati thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 1600hrs.

To view pictures taken at the event, follow this link.

By: Information & Publicity Department